
Thursday, December 12, 2019

The baby mammoth

image source This is a photo of a baby mammoth that died years & years ago. This was discovered in 2007. This mammoth is a wooly mammoth the shoulder height of it was 9-11 feet. And it weighed 9 tons. It was found by a dad and his two sons. They called 911 and the mammoth of some kind was taken to a lab. It took 5 scientists to work on it finally they did it all they had to do was carve a tooth out of it. They had to be careful because of one stupid move it would denigrate right away. When they got it out it was over 36000 years ago. Then they told the founder and he nearly passed out. Anyway here is a photo of the baby mammoth.                  
Image result for baby mammoth found

Friday, December 6, 2019

Activity 3: Big Friendly Giants

This book was published by
the one and only Roald Dahl one of the best writers
in history in my opinion that I know of. Sadly Roald Dahl passed away on the 23 November 1990.
When Roald Dahl passed away he was barred with his belongings. Roald Dahl was born in 1916 and he died in 1990 so that means he was 74 when he passed away.  
Image result for the bfg book